Mobile app development has certainly transformed various aspects of out day-to-day lives with bringing some best technologies to access products and services online. Taxi app development is such an aspect that has been much fortified in recent years considering worldwide demand for taxi apps.

Apps like Careem, Uber, Bolt and OLA have already set benchmarks for entire taxi industry by offering some best advanced and innovative features to hire cabs instantly. The global taxi app market is growing at an unprecedented rate and it’s the best time to enter the market when the industry has almost revived from the recent pandemic and is flourishing with rising global demand.

So, before you proceed with your taxi app development, reading this blog will offer much-required insights for you including cost to develop an app like Uber & Careem and factors that affect development cost.

Business Model of Uber & Careem

Business Model of Uber & Careem

Before you get started with taxi booking app development, you need to get acquainted with some of the business models of Taxi apps. Generally, you have three major models to launch a taxi applications.

  • Aggregator Model
  • Ownership Model
  • Revenue Generation Model

Among these three business models, the first one (aggregator model) has been widely adopted by top taxi apps like Careem & Uber. We will take the example of Uber to help you understand what exactly is aggregator taxi app model.

Uber partners with myriads of taxi drivers that have their own vehicles ranging in different categories. There are three different panels; driver panel, passenger panel, and admin panel. Now when a user enters his location to book a taxi, Uber notifies the nearest taxi driver to pick that user from his location. The driver may accept or reject the Ride. After getting driver’s confirmation to pick that booking, Uber notifies the user with all details of the driver and vehicle.

Must-have Features for a Taxi App like Uber & Careem

Features are an indispensable part of app development no matter whatever category it belongs to. The level of success that an Android app development project will achieve depends much on its features and functionalities. We have hand-picked some features from both Careem and Uber to help you create a taxi app that caters to all kinds of taxi booking application.

  • Social Login
  • Vehicle Type Selection
  • Check & Compare Prices Online
  • Price Calculation
  • Real-time Vehicle Tracking
  • Payment Integration
  • Instant Cab Booking
  • Push Notifications
  • Panic Button
  • In-app Chat
  • Ride History
  • 24×7 Customer Support

You are always free to add your forte to make your taxi app development more customized as per your target audience and other requirements. These are just user panel features.

If you really want to launch a successful taxi booking app, you must thoroughly focus on drivers’ aspect too. Happy and satisfied drivers play a crucial role in achieving desired success for any taxi app. Hence, you need to decide driver panel features prudently.

Tech stack to develop an App like UBER

Tech stack to develop an App like UBER

Uber is an exemplary taxi app that hugely accepted globally and has successfully stretched its branches in various different parts of the world. Attractive UIs and smooth navigation with customized features are some of the crucial aspects that have helped Uber to capture a wide market in Taxi apps industry.

  • Kotlin for Android
  • Swift for iOS
  • js for Backend
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon S3
  • Stripe or Braintree (payment)
  • Twilio (notifications)
  • Elastic email
  • Google Maps
  • Google directions
  • Firebase
  • Facebook SDK

Ask your taxi app development company to use this advanced tech stack to ensure a bug-free and smooth performing taxi app. Using latest and updated tech stacks will allow your app perform smoothly on all types of devices.



Choose a Reliable Development Company

One of the most crucial aspects of taxi app development, in fact, any app development. Getting a trusted and highly experienced & expert app development company will take dedicated efforts.

Don’t prioritize money when selecting a taxi app development company because saving a few dollars on hiring an average app development agency can prove to be a loss deal. Hence, choose the best app development company and we assure you that your investment will yield manifold returns. You can seek for references or can simply Google some top-rated agencies.

For best results, try searching app development companies from USA, UAE, and India. These countries are hugely popular for their affordable and expert software services. We have explored millions of apps on app stores that have been efficiently developed from development agencies pertaining to India, USA, and UAE.

Cost to Develop an App Like  Uber and Careem

Considering all the above-mentioned factors, the cost to develop a taxi app like Uber and Careem will range somewhere between USD 28000 to USD 35000. This is an estimate to develop a native app for a single platform (Android or iOS) from scratch.


You must research well on the type of target audience and prevailing market conditions. Prepare a detailed project requirement list to ensure swift delivery of your project. Approaching the project with absolute dedication and planning will certainly yield desired outcomes.

Vinay Kumar

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    Kamal Singh Reply

    I am looking app developer for truck booking, please contact if you can do it.

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