The mobile app industry is one of the most successful industries in the world today. More than 6 billion people worldwide use a smartphone. That means around 80% of the world population is using smartphones nowadays. As a result, the mobile app industry is also growing exceptionally over different mobile OS and platforms. IoT App Development is just a new trend in the mobile app industry. These trends are taking place due to the changing user tastes and preferences.

Earlier, the users were happy with the initial smartphone app features. Now they’re looking for more enhanced features for a better experience. IoT App Development is focused on increasing user engagement. The technology integrates smart home devices with a mobile app. These devices mainly include smart home appliances like- TV, Refrigerator, Home Theatre, Speakers, Bulb & Tube Lights, Washing Machines, etc., connected to the internet.

The user can command these devices with simply his/her voice. The user can further control other functions of the machine using the relative mobile app. Therefore, many IoT App Development Companies are emerging worldwide. The developers can evaluate the demand for such innovative apps in the future. App companies want to deploy such features on their mobile app to raise user participation. However, app-building projects have their own challenges.

To overcome these challenges, you can go through our comprehensive post on “Everything You Need to Know About IoT App Development”. In this post, we’ve covered all the fundamental concepts and the approaching trends associated with IoT Technology. Here we’ll also discuss how the technology works and the various things to consider amid the development process. Let’s get started!

What is an IoT App?

IoT indicates the Internet of Things. The technology is used in IoT App Development projects to facilitate the home automation market in the future. Home automation means connecting your household appliances with the internet. In this way, the users can command all their home appliances by simply using a smartphone. There’s no need to touch or tab a button if you’re sitting in another room or doing some important work.

Wearables like Smart Watches, Rings, Clothes & Boots, etc., are also connected to the internet these days. Now, what app developers need to do is integrate these appliances with a particular mobile app. This calls for an IoT App Development project. However, for this, the users must also own advanced smart devices and home appliances. As a result, the market for such innovative devices is also growing in the last 4-5 years.

Today such home automation services are too expensive, still, many consumers can purchase smartwatches. The reason is many emerging brands are introducing cheaper alternatives to the leading IoT devices. The corresponding products are going to be available very commonly in the future. IoT Technology is the future of the household appliance market!

Appikr is also supporting visionary mobile app businesses in the UAE, UK, US, and India to bring such innovative integration techniques into practice. At Appikr, we provide futuristic App Development Solutions to aspiring mobile app and gaming businesses out there!

Businesses Using IoT App Development Approach


Not every business niche is devoted to the IoT Application building approach. Some have products and services that are not related to the technology at all. The antique and pawnshop business is a good example to consider. These businesses focus on old goods that could be represented in future Auctions and sales. Rich people often purchase these items for home décor. Coming back to IoT Apps, the approach often triggers the following business models:

1. Healthcare

The best example to review here is the smartwatch. The product is now used by many fitness enthusiasts across the world. The watch has got advanced features to track the blood pressure, heart rate, diet plan, and exercise schedule of the users and notify them regarding the same from time to time.

2. Retail Sector

In the retail sector, marketers and app owners use IoT analytics to get updated around user tastes and preferences. These tastes and preferences keep changing over time and the companies need to stay conscious about their next move in the marketplace.

3. Production Sector

The production or manufacturing sector always focuses on better productivity at a lesser cost. That’s why human labor is getting lower preference as compared to advance AI machines in worldwide factories. The labor is shifting to other employment options that are less hazardous and tiring for their health.

4. Administration

The administration industry is dedicated to city-wide security operations. That’s why IoT Technology becomes crucial for the administration sector. The authorities can use IoT apps for controlling traffic on the roads, camera surveillance, and saving electricity, gas, and water.

5. Agriculture

Agriculture also needs surveillance against pest attacks, animal and human trespassing. As such, Agricultural firms that are related to a food brand are using advanced internet-enabled drones to keep an eye on the unwanted creatures on the farm.

In this way, top business sectors are making use of the IoT Applications. The businesses are also targeting various IoT devices and appliances used to accomplish various objectives.

How Does IoT Technology Works?

The new IoT App Development Companies are mainly concerned about the deployment of the technology. Fresher developers need to know how this technology works. Or else, they can compromise the overall quality and performance of the mobile app. Here are the 5 principles behind the IoT app building strategy that the emerging developers must follow:

  • Analytics
  • BigData
  • Connection
  • Devices Used
  • Experience

IoT Analytics helps the developers gather information from the corresponding devices. The information is about the users using such devices. As such, the developers come to know the leading user tastes and preferences. Moving ahead, the developers need BigData to manage cloud storage of the information related to such mobile apps. After BigData, the developers need to collaborate between cloud storage and target devices.

The developers can choose all devices having relative sensors for receiving the user command through IoT applications. At last, the developers need to track the recent user experiences related to similar kinds of apps to come up with better IoT app solutions. They need to understand the user issues through conducting competitive research!

IoT App Development: Things You Need Not Forget

Though there are many technical aspects related to IoT App Development, you must not overlook the most crucial ones. The app-building project mainly depends on the business requirements. So, the developers first need to confirm the business objective behind the app creation process. Only then, they could develop an effective plan for app creation. The developers must generate effective ROI against the client investment.

Here are the foremost things app developers need to remember while executing an IoT app-building project:

1. Gather Expertise

The developers must be experts in creating such innovative apps. If they’re working on such a project for the first time, they need to have knowledge of BigData and cloud database formation. They must know about some top cloud services available online. Moving ahead, they need to have an elementary insight into cyber security. They must also collaborate with a cyber security agency to ensure better app performance to the client.

2. IoT App Categories

IoT apps are mainly distributed among 2 categories- Data Analysis App & Smart Device Controlling App. If the client wants to create a device controlling app, the developers need to analyze those devices. The top IoT device categories in the existing market are- Smart Locks, Doorbell Cam, Voice Controllers, Smart Light Switch, Air Quality Monitor, Smoke Alarm, Smart Bulbs, Temperature Controller, etc. On the other hand, Data Analytics Apps help app companies collect data about customer choices.

3. Data Security

Data security is the concern of every mobile app company these days. The platform can get a malware attack in its success phase. Online hackers target such popular and innovative apps through the way of relative integration techniques. They can also access the users’ data on the corresponding mobile apps and manipulate the current functioning of the relative smart devices.

4. Device Compatibility

No IoT App Development project is successful without device compatibility if related to the Smart Device Controlling category. The developers can either focus on one device or multiple depending on the client’s requirement. They could also suggest to the client the top devices available in the market that customers are preferring the most. Targeting the most used smart devices is the right move to build impressive IoT apps in this context.

5. Stable Connection

Don’t forget, the IoT devices have got access to the internet connection. You need to make sure of the source of the internet, however. If you’re developing such a mobile app, you must specify the range, data transfer rate, power supply, and frequency of such smart devices that you need to target through your mobile app. For stable internet access, the developers may prefer Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth, or other relative network technologies.

Wrapping Up

In addition, the developers need to make sure of high performance and effective app appearance. That’s not possible without strong app UI/UX components. IoT App Development is incomplete without enhanced accessibility and user experience. You can get in touch with our highly skilled iOS and Android app development team for more information regarding your IoT app project.

Vinay Kumar

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